Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Help for adult children of divorce

From Family Scholars blog:

A lot of people know about Rainbows, the popular peer support group for children of divorce found in many schools and churches. But some might not know (as I did not, until this morning) that they also have programs for adults including Kaleidoscope, a 12 session peer support group for college-age and beyond adults who have experienced parental divorce, death, or other parental losses in their past.

So often the effects of parental divorce are delayed, resurging only when young people leave home and begin confronting the legacies of growing up in divided worlds as they struggle with their own identity and place in the world. A group like this (in a church or college counseling office near you?) could be a tremendous resource for reaching out to the one-quarter of young adults today who are grown children of divorce.

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