Tuesday, November 20, 2007

We thank thee, O God

A few days ago, over some pizza lovingly made by Papa John, I asked my brilliant writer friends what they were thankful for this year. Yes, I'm that goofy person who wants to know at Thanksgiving time what we're giving thanks for, the one who makes the family pause before the turkey to hear the story of the Pilgrim's first Thanksgiving or Lincoln's Thanksgiving proclamation read. Here are a few of the things for which I am especially grateful this year:

  1. A job I love and that (mostly) pays the bills.

  2. The birth of my new puppy last Friday.

  3. Friends who are a joy, challenge, and comfort to me (especially K, J, L, & C).

  4. My family, and the fact that we'll all be together for the holidays.

  5. Book edits being done!!

  6. A church that feels like home.

  7. A roof over my head and food in my belly.

  8. God's persistent pursuit of my heart.

  9. Good magazines and a steady supply of crossword puzzles.

  10. The love of God, so rich and free!

1 comment:

Kelly C said...

great post, kristine. : ) this is such a perfect time to reflect on all we are grateful for.

you did not add your thanksgiving meal of hot dogs though, so i am a little disappointed.