Sunday, June 18, 2006

An unusual Father's Day tribute

From an article by blogger Jimmy Moore:

"I told Christine when I married her over ten years ago that we're cutting the word divorce out of the dictionary because it's not an option. She might have to kill me, but we're not getting a divorce no matter what. :)"

Jimmy shares a heartbreaking and encouraging story about the crazy upbringing and abuse he endured, his desire to break the cycle of abuse with God's grace, and his reconciliation with his father. Great article; go read it!

(Read more of Jimmy's blog here.)


Jimmy Moore said...

THANKS for posting my blog post, Kristine! I hope and pray it will give others who have gone through or are even thinking about going through the ordeal of divorce just a glimpse of the consequences that can result from doing so.

While my experience is probably atypical, it hopefully can serve as a reminder that divorce can have a lasting effect on the lives of so many who are directly impacted by it. It took me years to get over the pain that was inflicted on me because of the multiplicity of divorces I was forced to endure as a child.

But now I have overcome and God has shown me my value as a man today. I am stronger because He was merciful enough to provide me with grace and everlasting hope in the midst of my trials. If I didn't have God in my life throughout this, then I probably would have committed suicide.

THANKS again for linking to my article and I am glad to see you have this blog for children dealing with divorce. It's an ugly subject, but needs to be talked about more often in an open forum. I appreciate you letting me share my story today.

Jimmy Moore, author of "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb"

CarbSanity said...

Renounce Jimmy Moore and then we'll talk.